Research Article
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Year 2020, Volume: 6 Issue: 1, 75 - 90, 01.06.2020


Bu çalışmanın amacı, uluslararası müzakere teorisi kapsamında kültürel
boyutun çerçevesinde tercih edilebilecek stratejilerin ve müzakerecilerin
hedeflerine optimum düzeyde ulaşmalarında hangi hususlara dikkat
etmeleri gerektiğini betimlemektir. Bu amaç doğrultusunda, müzakere
stratejileri ele alınmış ve müzakerecinin önemi açıklanmıştır. Müzakere
sürecince karşı taraftan gelebilecek beklenmedik bir teklife karşı teklif
verebilmek arbitraj pozisyonunda bulunmak müzakere sürecinin ön
hazırlığının önemini ortaya koymaktadır. Bilgi paylaşımı, karşılıklı
güven ve ortak hedeflerin olması müzakere sürecini optimum düzeyde
gerçekleşmesine zemin hazırlamakta olduğu anlaşılmaktadır. Kültürel
boyut, tarafların arasında empati kurmalarında ve esnek stratejilere
başvurmalarında katkı sağlamaktadır. Bu anlamda, ön hazırlık aşamasında
karşı tarafın kültürü hakkında bilgi edinmesi tercih edilecek stratejileri
hakkında bilgi verecektir ve müzakere sürecinin tolere edilebilir bir sancı
düzeyinde gerçekleşmesine sebep olacaktır.
Çalışma, müzakereci bir oyun teorisinin aktörü olarak karşımıza
çıkmaktadır. Karar verme teorisi olarak da adlandırılan oyun teorisi,
oyuncular kadar, oyuncuların stratejileri ve oyunun kuralları da önem
arz etmektedir. Bu bağlamda, müzakereci oyunu yöneten bir moderatör
konumunda olmaktadır. Müzakereci, çoğu zaman baskı, iş birliği veya
ikna stratejileri arasında seçim yapmalıdır, bazen ise farklı stratejileri
farklı aşamalarda kullanmalıdır. Bu bağlamda, başarılı bir müzakerecinin,
müzakere sürecine girmeden önce, önerdiğimiz beş farklı eylemi
gerçekleştirmesi tüm taraflara karşılıklı kazanç sağlayacaktır.


  • [1] Akoun, A. 1989. L’illusiom Socialer, PUF, Paris [2] Bazerman, M. H., Neale M. A., 1992. Negotiating rationally, The Free Press, New York, USA.
  • [3] Bercovith, J., Kremenyuk, V. Zartman, W., 2008. The Sage Handbook of Conflict Resolution. Hardcover.
  • [4] Benraïss-Noailles, L. ve Viot, C. (2012). Les médias sociaux dans les stratégies de recrutement: Quelle compatibilité avec la vie privée? Revuefrançaise de gestion, 224(5), 125-138. de-gestion-2012-5-page-125.htm.
  • [5] Blake, R., Mouton, J., 1985. The managerial Grid III: The Key to Leadership Excellence. Houston: Gulf Publishing Co.
  • [6] Borel, E. 1921. La théorie du jeu et les équations intégrales à noyau symétrique gauche, C.R. Hebd. Seances Acad. Sci., vol. 173, p. 1304- 1308.
  • [7] Brett, J. & Gelfand, M., 2004. Effets de la culture sur le style de négociation: Trois cas inspirés d’ailleurs. Revue française de gestion, no 153(6), 201-210. doi:10.3166/rfg.153.201-210.
  • [8] Chen D., 1999. Three-dimensional Chinese Rationales in Negotiation, In Kolb D., Negotiation Eclectics, Cambridge.
  • [9] Clyman D. R. et Gray B., 2001. Unraveling social dilemmas and frame discrepancies: the importance of reframing, communication à la Conférence annuelle de l’International Association for Conflict Management, ESSECParis.
  • [10] Draillard-Radtchenko, S. 2012. La spécificité de la négociation internationale, Cahier de psychologie politique, Numéro 21. [11] Druckman, D., 1994. Determinants of compromising bahavior in negotiation: A meta-analysis. Journal of Conflict Resolution, 38, 507-556.
  • [12] Druckman, D., 2007. Négociation et identité. Négociation, 91-102. [13] Dupont, C., 1994. La négociation: conduite, théorie, applications. Dalloz, Paris.
  • [14] Deutsch, M., 1949. A theory of cooperation and competition, Human Relations, 2, 1949, 129-152
  • [15] Faure G. O., Rubin J., 1993. Culture and negotiation, Newbury Park, California.
  • [16] Faure, G.O. 2004, Approcher la dimension interculturelle en négociation internationale, Revue Française de Gestion, Numéro 153.
  • [17] Ficher, R., 1983. Negotiating Power. In: Negotiation: Behavioral Perspectives. American Behavioral Scientist. New York..
  • [18] Ficher, R et Ury W.1982. Comment réussir la négociation. Seuil, Paris. [19] Gauthey F., 1995. Au-delà de la malédiction de Babel, ANDCP, Personnel, n 360.
  • [20] Germain, M. Toint, P ve Tulkens, H. 1996. Calcul économique itératif et stratéGique pour les négociations internationales sur les pluies acides entre la Finalande, la Russie et l’Estonie, Annales d’économie et de statistique, numéro 43, 1-27.
  • [21] Gulbro, R.; Herbig, P., 1996. Cross-Cultural negotiating processes, Industrial management + Data Systems, Wembley: V. 96, No 3, 17.
  • [22] Hall, E., 1971. (Ed.) La dimension cache. Seuil, Paris. [23] Hermann, M., & Kogan. A., 1977. Effects of negotiators ‘personalities on negotiating behavior. In D. Druckman (Ed.). Negotiating socialpsychological perspectives; Sage Publications.
  • [24] Iklé, Fred C., (1964). How Nations Negotiate. New York: Harper and Row.
  • [25] Kaitala, V., Maler, K., ve Tulkens, H. 1995. The acid-rain game as a resource-allocatıon process with an applicatıon to the internationalcooperation Among Fınland, Russia and Estonia. Scandinavian journal of economics, 97(2), 325-343.
  • [26] Katzenstein, P.J., 1984. Corporatism and change: Austria, Switzerland, and the politics of industry. Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press.
  • [27] Keohane, R.O. ve Nye, J.S., Jr., 1998. Power and interdependence in the information age, Foreign Affairs, 77: 81-94.
  • [28] Kenis, P. ve Schneider, V., 1991. Policy networks and policy analysis: Scrutinizing a new analytical toolbox, in bernd Marin ve Renate Mayntz (edt.). Policy networks. empirical evidence and theoretical considerations. Frankfurt, Germany, 25-59.
  • [29] Kimura H., 1980. Soviet and Japanese negotiation behavior: The Spring 1977 Fisheries Talks, Orbis, 24, n 1.
  • [30] Kolb D. Ve Faure G. O., 1994. Organizational theory: the interface of structure, culture, procedures and negotiation process, International Multilateral Negotiation, Zartman, San Francisco.
  • [31] Lewin, K.,1951. Field theory in social science. Harper, New York. [32] Lewicki R., Litterer, J.A.1985. Negociation, Richard D Irwin Inc, ABD.
  • [33] Neale, M. A., ve Bazerman, M. H., 1992. Negotiator cognition and rationality: A behavioral decision theory perspective. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 51(2), 157–175. https://doi. org/10.1016/0749-5978(92)90009-V
  • [34] Nierenberg, G., 1979. L’art de persuader et de bien négocier. Tchou, Paris.
  • [35] Pekar Lempereur, A., Colson.A., 2004. Méthode de négociation. Dunod, Paris.
  • [36] Philip R.; Moran, R.T.; Moran, S.V., 2004. Managing cultural cifferences: global leadership strategies for the 21 century, Judith Soccorsy, Amsterdam. Pays-Bas, Elsevier, ISBN 0-7506-7736-8 .
  • [37] Pruitt, D.G., 1992. Social psychological perspectives on the behavioural model. Journal of Organizational Behaviour, 13, 297-301.
  • [38] Pruitt, D. G., & Lewis, S. A., 1975. Development of integrative solutions in bilateral negotiation. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 31(4), 621–633.
  • [39] Rubin, J.Z and Brown, B.R., 1975. The Social Psychology of Bargaining and Negotiation, Academic Press, Elsevier, 197-258.
  • [40] Salacuse J., 1991. Making global deals, Houghton Mifflin, Boston. [41] Sawyer, J., Guetkow, H., 1965. Bargaining and Negotiation. In: Kelman, H. (Ed.), International Behaviour. Rinchart & Winston, 165-156.
  • [42] Sciarini, P., 1995. Réseau politique interne et négociations internationales: le GATT, levier de la réforme agricole suisse, Swiss Political Science Review, Vol.1, Issur 2-3, 1-29.
  • [43] Stevens. C., 1963. Strategy and collective bargaining. N.Y.Mc Graw Hill.
  • [44] Walton, R.E., Mc Kersie, R.B., 1965. Abehavioral theory of labour negotiations. McGraw-Hill, New York.
  • [45] Walton, R.E., Mc Kersie, R.B., 2007. Négociations sociales en relations internationales et pour les droits civiques. Négociations, 1, 123- 162.
  • [46] Weinshall, T., 1977. Culture and Management. Penguin Books. [47] Weiss S., 1999. Opening a dialogue on negotiation and culture: A ‘Believer’ considers skeptics’views, Negotiation Eclectics, Kolb D., Cambridge.
  • [48] Yamagishi, T., Yamagishi M., 1994. Trust and commitment in the United States and Japan”, Motivation and motion, 129-165.
  • [49] Zartman I.W., 1993. A Skeptic’s view, Culture and Negotiation, Faure G. O. et Rubin J., Newbury Park, California, ABD.
  • [50] Zermelo, E. 1896. Über einen Satz der Dynamik und die mechanische Wärmetheorie, Annalen der Physik, vol. 296, no 3, p. 485–494 (DOI 10.1002/andp.18962930314).
Year 2020, Volume: 6 Issue: 1, 75 - 90, 01.06.2020



  • [1] Akoun, A. 1989. L’illusiom Socialer, PUF, Paris [2] Bazerman, M. H., Neale M. A., 1992. Negotiating rationally, The Free Press, New York, USA.
  • [3] Bercovith, J., Kremenyuk, V. Zartman, W., 2008. The Sage Handbook of Conflict Resolution. Hardcover.
  • [4] Benraïss-Noailles, L. ve Viot, C. (2012). Les médias sociaux dans les stratégies de recrutement: Quelle compatibilité avec la vie privée? Revuefrançaise de gestion, 224(5), 125-138. de-gestion-2012-5-page-125.htm.
  • [5] Blake, R., Mouton, J., 1985. The managerial Grid III: The Key to Leadership Excellence. Houston: Gulf Publishing Co.
  • [6] Borel, E. 1921. La théorie du jeu et les équations intégrales à noyau symétrique gauche, C.R. Hebd. Seances Acad. Sci., vol. 173, p. 1304- 1308.
  • [7] Brett, J. & Gelfand, M., 2004. Effets de la culture sur le style de négociation: Trois cas inspirés d’ailleurs. Revue française de gestion, no 153(6), 201-210. doi:10.3166/rfg.153.201-210.
  • [8] Chen D., 1999. Three-dimensional Chinese Rationales in Negotiation, In Kolb D., Negotiation Eclectics, Cambridge.
  • [9] Clyman D. R. et Gray B., 2001. Unraveling social dilemmas and frame discrepancies: the importance of reframing, communication à la Conférence annuelle de l’International Association for Conflict Management, ESSECParis.
  • [10] Draillard-Radtchenko, S. 2012. La spécificité de la négociation internationale, Cahier de psychologie politique, Numéro 21. [11] Druckman, D., 1994. Determinants of compromising bahavior in negotiation: A meta-analysis. Journal of Conflict Resolution, 38, 507-556.
  • [12] Druckman, D., 2007. Négociation et identité. Négociation, 91-102. [13] Dupont, C., 1994. La négociation: conduite, théorie, applications. Dalloz, Paris.
  • [14] Deutsch, M., 1949. A theory of cooperation and competition, Human Relations, 2, 1949, 129-152
  • [15] Faure G. O., Rubin J., 1993. Culture and negotiation, Newbury Park, California.
  • [16] Faure, G.O. 2004, Approcher la dimension interculturelle en négociation internationale, Revue Française de Gestion, Numéro 153.
  • [17] Ficher, R., 1983. Negotiating Power. In: Negotiation: Behavioral Perspectives. American Behavioral Scientist. New York..
  • [18] Ficher, R et Ury W.1982. Comment réussir la négociation. Seuil, Paris. [19] Gauthey F., 1995. Au-delà de la malédiction de Babel, ANDCP, Personnel, n 360.
  • [20] Germain, M. Toint, P ve Tulkens, H. 1996. Calcul économique itératif et stratéGique pour les négociations internationales sur les pluies acides entre la Finalande, la Russie et l’Estonie, Annales d’économie et de statistique, numéro 43, 1-27.
  • [21] Gulbro, R.; Herbig, P., 1996. Cross-Cultural negotiating processes, Industrial management + Data Systems, Wembley: V. 96, No 3, 17.
  • [22] Hall, E., 1971. (Ed.) La dimension cache. Seuil, Paris. [23] Hermann, M., & Kogan. A., 1977. Effects of negotiators ‘personalities on negotiating behavior. In D. Druckman (Ed.). Negotiating socialpsychological perspectives; Sage Publications.
  • [24] Iklé, Fred C., (1964). How Nations Negotiate. New York: Harper and Row.
  • [25] Kaitala, V., Maler, K., ve Tulkens, H. 1995. The acid-rain game as a resource-allocatıon process with an applicatıon to the internationalcooperation Among Fınland, Russia and Estonia. Scandinavian journal of economics, 97(2), 325-343.
  • [26] Katzenstein, P.J., 1984. Corporatism and change: Austria, Switzerland, and the politics of industry. Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press.
  • [27] Keohane, R.O. ve Nye, J.S., Jr., 1998. Power and interdependence in the information age, Foreign Affairs, 77: 81-94.
  • [28] Kenis, P. ve Schneider, V., 1991. Policy networks and policy analysis: Scrutinizing a new analytical toolbox, in bernd Marin ve Renate Mayntz (edt.). Policy networks. empirical evidence and theoretical considerations. Frankfurt, Germany, 25-59.
  • [29] Kimura H., 1980. Soviet and Japanese negotiation behavior: The Spring 1977 Fisheries Talks, Orbis, 24, n 1.
  • [30] Kolb D. Ve Faure G. O., 1994. Organizational theory: the interface of structure, culture, procedures and negotiation process, International Multilateral Negotiation, Zartman, San Francisco.
  • [31] Lewin, K.,1951. Field theory in social science. Harper, New York. [32] Lewicki R., Litterer, J.A.1985. Negociation, Richard D Irwin Inc, ABD.
  • [33] Neale, M. A., ve Bazerman, M. H., 1992. Negotiator cognition and rationality: A behavioral decision theory perspective. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 51(2), 157–175. https://doi. org/10.1016/0749-5978(92)90009-V
  • [34] Nierenberg, G., 1979. L’art de persuader et de bien négocier. Tchou, Paris.
  • [35] Pekar Lempereur, A., Colson.A., 2004. Méthode de négociation. Dunod, Paris.
  • [36] Philip R.; Moran, R.T.; Moran, S.V., 2004. Managing cultural cifferences: global leadership strategies for the 21 century, Judith Soccorsy, Amsterdam. Pays-Bas, Elsevier, ISBN 0-7506-7736-8 .
  • [37] Pruitt, D.G., 1992. Social psychological perspectives on the behavioural model. Journal of Organizational Behaviour, 13, 297-301.
  • [38] Pruitt, D. G., & Lewis, S. A., 1975. Development of integrative solutions in bilateral negotiation. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 31(4), 621–633.
  • [39] Rubin, J.Z and Brown, B.R., 1975. The Social Psychology of Bargaining and Negotiation, Academic Press, Elsevier, 197-258.
  • [40] Salacuse J., 1991. Making global deals, Houghton Mifflin, Boston. [41] Sawyer, J., Guetkow, H., 1965. Bargaining and Negotiation. In: Kelman, H. (Ed.), International Behaviour. Rinchart & Winston, 165-156.
  • [42] Sciarini, P., 1995. Réseau politique interne et négociations internationales: le GATT, levier de la réforme agricole suisse, Swiss Political Science Review, Vol.1, Issur 2-3, 1-29.
  • [43] Stevens. C., 1963. Strategy and collective bargaining. N.Y.Mc Graw Hill.
  • [44] Walton, R.E., Mc Kersie, R.B., 1965. Abehavioral theory of labour negotiations. McGraw-Hill, New York.
  • [45] Walton, R.E., Mc Kersie, R.B., 2007. Négociations sociales en relations internationales et pour les droits civiques. Négociations, 1, 123- 162.
  • [46] Weinshall, T., 1977. Culture and Management. Penguin Books. [47] Weiss S., 1999. Opening a dialogue on negotiation and culture: A ‘Believer’ considers skeptics’views, Negotiation Eclectics, Kolb D., Cambridge.
  • [48] Yamagishi, T., Yamagishi M., 1994. Trust and commitment in the United States and Japan”, Motivation and motion, 129-165.
  • [49] Zartman I.W., 1993. A Skeptic’s view, Culture and Negotiation, Faure G. O. et Rubin J., Newbury Park, California, ABD.
  • [50] Zermelo, E. 1896. Über einen Satz der Dynamik und die mechanische Wärmetheorie, Annalen der Physik, vol. 296, no 3, p. 485–494 (DOI 10.1002/andp.18962930314).
There are 42 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Law in Context
Journal Section Makaleler

Lamiha Öztürk 0000-0001-9724-5060

Publication Date June 1, 2020
Submission Date April 6, 2020
Acceptance Date May 29, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 6 Issue: 1


Chicago Öztürk, Lamiha. “ULUSLARARASI MÜZAKERE SÜREÇLERİNDE MÜZAKERECİNİN ÖNEMİ”. İstanbul Aydın Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi 6, no. 1 (June 2020): 75-90.