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Comparison of Community-Acquired Rotavirus Infection with Nosocomial Rotavirus Infection; Evaluation of Epidemiology, Severity and Economic Burdens

Year 2020, Volume: 10 Issue: 4, 551 - 555, 30.12.2020


Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate the demographic data of patients with community-acquired rotavirus (CAR) gastroenteritis, the incidence of patients with nosocomial rotavirus gastroenteritis (NRG), the length of hospitalization and direct costs of these two groups, and the effect of NRG in pediatric patients.
Materials and Methods: The records of patients aged 0-144 months who were admitted to Halfeti State Hospital between July 2017 and July 2019 and who hospitalized for rotavirus gastroenteritis and patients who developed nosocomial rotavirus infection (NRI) while hospitalized for any reason were reviewed retrospectively. Demographic characteristics, laboratory data, direct cost analysis of patients with CAR infection and patients with NRI were examined and comparisons were made between these two groups.
Results: A total of 195 patients were included in the study, of which 29 were patients with NRI. Patients in both groups were most frequently between 25-60 months. The length of hospitalization was on average 6 days more in patients with NRG. While the average hospitalization cost of patients with positive NRI was 175.2 USD, the average hospitalization cost of patients without NRI was 120.6 USD and this difference was statistically significant (p = 0.001).
Conclusion: Rotavirus infectio; especially in children under the age of five which is common mostly in winter, can be highly nosocomial and creates a serious burden on the health system. Applications such as hand washing, the use of personal protective equipment of healthcare workers, patient isolation can reduce NRI.


  • 1. Walker CLF, Rudan I, Liu L, et al. Global burden of childhood pneumonia and diarrhoea. Lancet 2013; 381: 1405-1416.
  • 2. Kosek M, Bern C, Guerrant RL. The global burden of diarrhoeal disease, as estimated from studies published between 1992 and 2000. Bull World Health Organ 2003; 81: 197-204.
  • 3. WHO 2004 report. Diarrhoeal Diseases (Updated February 2009). (15/05/2009).
  • 4. United Nations. Millenium Development Goals Report. New York; 2005 (15/05/2009)
  • 5. Gülen A, Hacımustafaoğlu M. Çocuklarda akut infeksiyöz gastroenteritlere genel yaklaşım. ANKEM Derg 2013;27(3):147-57.
  • 6. Öztürk R. Reovirus ailesi ve diğer gastroenterit virusları. İçinde:Wilke Topçu A, Söyletir G, Doğanay M (editörler). İnfeksiyon hastalıkları ve mikrobiyolojisi cilt 2. İstanbul: Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri; 2002: s. 1224-32.
  • 7. Kurugöl Z, Devrim İ. Gastrointestinal enfeksiyonlar. J Pediatr Inf 2014;8:71-81.
  • 8. Gleizes O, Desselberger U, Tatochenko V, et al. Nosocomial rotavirus infection in European countries: a review of the epidemiology, severity and economicburden of hospital-acquiredrotavirus disease. Pediatr Infect Dis J 2006; 25(1 Suppl):S12-21.
  • 9. Fischer TK, Bresee JS, Glass RI. Rotavirus vaccines and the prevention of hospital-acquired diarrhea in children. Vaccine 2004; 22(Suppl 1):S49-54.
  • 10. Black RE, Cousens S, Johnson HL, et al. Global, regional, and national causes of child mortality in 2008: a systematic analysis. Lancet 2010; 375: 1969-87.
  • 11. Parashar UD, Gibson CJ, Bresee JS, Glass RI. Rotavirus and severe childhood diarrhea. Emerg Infect Dis 2006; 12:304-6; PMID:16494759;
  • 12. Desai R, Curns AT, Steiner CA, Tate JE, Patel MM, Parashar UD. All-cause gastroenteritis and rotavirus-coded hospitalizations among US children, 2000–2009. Clin Infect Dis Off Publ Infect Dis Soc Am 2012; 55:e28-34;
  • 13. Krishnarajah G, Demissie K, Lefebvre P, Gaur S, Sheng Duh M. Clinical and cost burden of rotavirus infection before and after introduction of rotavirus vaccines among commercially and Medicaid insured children in the United States. Hum Vaccines Immunother 2014; 10:2255-66;
  • 14. Çelebi S, Ayyıldız A, Babacan M ve ark. İvegen ishalli 0-2 yaş grubu çocuklarda enteropatojenlerin bulunma oranı. İnfeksiyon Derg 1992;6:31-4.
  • 15. Tuncer S, Ceyhan M, Yurdakök K. Akut gastroenteritli çocuklarda adenovirus tip 40 ve tip 41’ in önemi. V. Ulusal İnfeksiyon Hastalıkları Kongresi, 1995, İstanbul, Bildiri Özet Kitabı, s.102, 1995.
  • 16. Shaoxiong J, Paul EK, Robert CH, Matthew JC, Eugene JG, Roger IG. Trends in hospitalizations for diarrhea in United States children from 1979 through 1992: estimates of the morbidity associated with rotavirus. Pediatric Infect Dis. 1996; 15:397–404.
  • 17. Kordidarian R, Kelishadi R, Arjmandfar Y. Nosocomial infection due to rotavirus in Infants in Alzahra Hospital, Isfahan, Iran. J Health Popul Nutr. 2007; 25: 231–235.
  • 18. Ogilvie I, Khoury H, El Khoury AC, Goetghebeur MM. Burden of rotavirus gastroenteritis in the pediatric population in central and eastern Europe. Human Vaccines 2011; 5: 523-533.
  • 19. Forster J, Guarino A, Parez N, Moraga F, Roman E, Mory O, Tozzi AE, de Aguileta AL, Wahn U, Graham C, Berner R, Ninan T, Barberousse C, Meyer N, Soriano-Gabarro M (2009) Hospital-based surveillance to estimate the burden of rotavirus gastroenteritis among European children younger than 5 years of age. Pediatrics 123: 393-400.
  • 20. Berner R, Schumacher RF, Hameister S, Forster J (1999) Occurrence and impact of community-acquired and nosocomial rotavirus infections--a hospital-based study over 10 y. Acta Paediatr Suppl 88: 48-52.
  • 21. Nitsch-Osuch A, Kuchar E, Kosmala A, Zycinska K, Wardyn K (2013) Nosocomial rotavirus gastroenterocolitis in a large tertiary paediatric hospital in Warsaw, 2006-2010. Arch Med Sci 9: 493-498.
  • 22. Garcia-Basteiro AL, Bosch A, Sicuri E, Bayas JM, Trilla A, Hayes EB (2011) Hospitalizations due to rotavirus gastroenteritis in Catalonia, Spain, 2003-2008. BMC Res Notes 4: 427-429.
  • 23. Kapikian AZ, Kim HW, Wyatt RG et al. Human rotavirus-like agent as the majör pathogen associated with "winter" gastroenteritis in hospitalized infants and young children. N Engl J Med 1976; 294: 965-72.
  • 24. Lauria FN, Angeletti C (2003) The impact of nosocomial infections on hospital care costs. Infection 31 Suppl 2: 35-43.
  • 25. Haley RW (1991) Measuring the costs of nosocomial infections: methods for estimating economic burden on the hospital. Am J Med 91: 32-38.
  • 26. O'Brien K, Donato R (1993) Hospital acquired rota virus infection: the economics of prevention. Aust Health Rev 16: 245-267.
  • 27. Harrington M, Butler K, Cafferkey M (2003) Rotavirus infection in hospitalised children: incidence and impact on healthcare resources. Ir J Med Sci 172: 33-36.
  • 28. Mrukowicz JZ, Krobicka B, Duplaga M, Kowalska-Duplaga K, Domanski J, Szajewska H, Kantecki M, Iwanczak F, Pytrus T (1999) Epidemiology and impact of rotavirus diarrhoea in Poland. Acta Paediatr Suppl 88: 53-60.
  • 29. Sermet-Gaudelus I, de La Rocque F, Salomon JL, Lachassine E, Leruez-Ville M, Baujat G, Trioche P, Valdes L, Parez N, Aujard Y (2004) Rotavirus nosocomial infection in pediatric units. A multicentric observation study. Pathol Biol (Paris) 52: 4-10.
  • 30. Piednoir E, Bessaci K, Bureau-Chalot F, Sabouraud P, Brodard V, Andreoletti L, Bajolet O (2003) Economic impact of healthcare-associated rotavirus infection in a paediatric hospital. J Hosp Infect 55: 190-195.
  • 31. Fruhwirth M, Berger K, Ehlken B, Moll-Schuler I, Brosl S, Mutz I (2001) Economic impact of community- and nosocomially acquired rotavirus gastroenteritis in Austria. Pediatr Infect Dis J 20: 184-188.

Toplumdan Kazanılmış Rotavirüs Enfeksiyonunun Nozokomiyal Rotavirüs Enfeksiyonu ile Karşılaştırılması; Epidemiyoloji, Şiddet ve Ekonomik Yükünün Değerlendirilmesi

Year 2020, Volume: 10 Issue: 4, 551 - 555, 30.12.2020


Amaç: Bu çalışmada amaç, toplum kökenli rotavirüs (TKR) gastroenteritli hastaların demografik verilerini, nozokomiyal rotavirüs gastroenteritli (NRG) hastaların insidansını, bu iki grubun hastanede yatış sürelerini ve direkt maliyetlerini ve nozokomiyal enfeksiyonun getirdiği ek maliyeti belirleyerek pediyatrik hastalarda NRG etkisini değerlendirmektir.
Gereç ve Yöntem: Temmuz 2017-Temmuz 2019 tarihleri arasında Halfeti Devlet Hastanesi’ ne başvuran 0-144 aylık hastaların rotavirüs gastroenteriti nedeniyle hastaneye yatırılan ve herhangi bir nedenle hastaneye yatırılırken nozokomiyal rotavirüs enfeksiyonu (NRE) gelişen hastaların kayıtları retrospektif olarak incelendi. TKR enfeksiyonu olan ve NRE olan hastaların demografik özellikleri, laboratuvar verileri, doğrudan maliyet analizi incelendi ve bu iki grup arasında karşılaştırmalar yapıldı.
Bulgular: Çalışmaya toplamda 195 hasta dahil edilmiş olup bunların 29' u NRE olan hastalardan oluşmaktaydı. Her iki grupta da hastalar en sık 25-60 ay arasındaydı. Hastane yatış süresi, NRG olan hastalarda ortalama 6 gün daha fazlaydı. NRE pozitif olan hastaların hastaneye yatış maliyeti ortalama 175,2 USD iken NRE olmayan hastaların ortalama yatış maliyeti 120,6 USD olup bu fark istatistiksel olarak da anlamlıydı (p = 0.001).
Sonuç: Rotavirüs enfeksiyonu; özellikle beş yaşın altındaki çocuklarda, çoğunlukla kışın yaygın olan, oldukça nozokomiyal olabilen ve sağlık sistemi üzerinde ciddi bir yük oluşturan önemli bir enfeksiyondur. El yıkama, sağlık çalışanlarının kişisel koruyucu ekipman kullanımı, hasta izolasyonu gibi uygulamalar nozokomiyal rotavirüs enfeksiyonunu azaltılabilir.


  • 1. Walker CLF, Rudan I, Liu L, et al. Global burden of childhood pneumonia and diarrhoea. Lancet 2013; 381: 1405-1416.
  • 2. Kosek M, Bern C, Guerrant RL. The global burden of diarrhoeal disease, as estimated from studies published between 1992 and 2000. Bull World Health Organ 2003; 81: 197-204.
  • 3. WHO 2004 report. Diarrhoeal Diseases (Updated February 2009). (15/05/2009).
  • 4. United Nations. Millenium Development Goals Report. New York; 2005 (15/05/2009)
  • 5. Gülen A, Hacımustafaoğlu M. Çocuklarda akut infeksiyöz gastroenteritlere genel yaklaşım. ANKEM Derg 2013;27(3):147-57.
  • 6. Öztürk R. Reovirus ailesi ve diğer gastroenterit virusları. İçinde:Wilke Topçu A, Söyletir G, Doğanay M (editörler). İnfeksiyon hastalıkları ve mikrobiyolojisi cilt 2. İstanbul: Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri; 2002: s. 1224-32.
  • 7. Kurugöl Z, Devrim İ. Gastrointestinal enfeksiyonlar. J Pediatr Inf 2014;8:71-81.
  • 8. Gleizes O, Desselberger U, Tatochenko V, et al. Nosocomial rotavirus infection in European countries: a review of the epidemiology, severity and economicburden of hospital-acquiredrotavirus disease. Pediatr Infect Dis J 2006; 25(1 Suppl):S12-21.
  • 9. Fischer TK, Bresee JS, Glass RI. Rotavirus vaccines and the prevention of hospital-acquired diarrhea in children. Vaccine 2004; 22(Suppl 1):S49-54.
  • 10. Black RE, Cousens S, Johnson HL, et al. Global, regional, and national causes of child mortality in 2008: a systematic analysis. Lancet 2010; 375: 1969-87.
  • 11. Parashar UD, Gibson CJ, Bresee JS, Glass RI. Rotavirus and severe childhood diarrhea. Emerg Infect Dis 2006; 12:304-6; PMID:16494759;
  • 12. Desai R, Curns AT, Steiner CA, Tate JE, Patel MM, Parashar UD. All-cause gastroenteritis and rotavirus-coded hospitalizations among US children, 2000–2009. Clin Infect Dis Off Publ Infect Dis Soc Am 2012; 55:e28-34;
  • 13. Krishnarajah G, Demissie K, Lefebvre P, Gaur S, Sheng Duh M. Clinical and cost burden of rotavirus infection before and after introduction of rotavirus vaccines among commercially and Medicaid insured children in the United States. Hum Vaccines Immunother 2014; 10:2255-66;
  • 14. Çelebi S, Ayyıldız A, Babacan M ve ark. İvegen ishalli 0-2 yaş grubu çocuklarda enteropatojenlerin bulunma oranı. İnfeksiyon Derg 1992;6:31-4.
  • 15. Tuncer S, Ceyhan M, Yurdakök K. Akut gastroenteritli çocuklarda adenovirus tip 40 ve tip 41’ in önemi. V. Ulusal İnfeksiyon Hastalıkları Kongresi, 1995, İstanbul, Bildiri Özet Kitabı, s.102, 1995.
  • 16. Shaoxiong J, Paul EK, Robert CH, Matthew JC, Eugene JG, Roger IG. Trends in hospitalizations for diarrhea in United States children from 1979 through 1992: estimates of the morbidity associated with rotavirus. Pediatric Infect Dis. 1996; 15:397–404.
  • 17. Kordidarian R, Kelishadi R, Arjmandfar Y. Nosocomial infection due to rotavirus in Infants in Alzahra Hospital, Isfahan, Iran. J Health Popul Nutr. 2007; 25: 231–235.
  • 18. Ogilvie I, Khoury H, El Khoury AC, Goetghebeur MM. Burden of rotavirus gastroenteritis in the pediatric population in central and eastern Europe. Human Vaccines 2011; 5: 523-533.
  • 19. Forster J, Guarino A, Parez N, Moraga F, Roman E, Mory O, Tozzi AE, de Aguileta AL, Wahn U, Graham C, Berner R, Ninan T, Barberousse C, Meyer N, Soriano-Gabarro M (2009) Hospital-based surveillance to estimate the burden of rotavirus gastroenteritis among European children younger than 5 years of age. Pediatrics 123: 393-400.
  • 20. Berner R, Schumacher RF, Hameister S, Forster J (1999) Occurrence and impact of community-acquired and nosocomial rotavirus infections--a hospital-based study over 10 y. Acta Paediatr Suppl 88: 48-52.
  • 21. Nitsch-Osuch A, Kuchar E, Kosmala A, Zycinska K, Wardyn K (2013) Nosocomial rotavirus gastroenterocolitis in a large tertiary paediatric hospital in Warsaw, 2006-2010. Arch Med Sci 9: 493-498.
  • 22. Garcia-Basteiro AL, Bosch A, Sicuri E, Bayas JM, Trilla A, Hayes EB (2011) Hospitalizations due to rotavirus gastroenteritis in Catalonia, Spain, 2003-2008. BMC Res Notes 4: 427-429.
  • 23. Kapikian AZ, Kim HW, Wyatt RG et al. Human rotavirus-like agent as the majör pathogen associated with "winter" gastroenteritis in hospitalized infants and young children. N Engl J Med 1976; 294: 965-72.
  • 24. Lauria FN, Angeletti C (2003) The impact of nosocomial infections on hospital care costs. Infection 31 Suppl 2: 35-43.
  • 25. Haley RW (1991) Measuring the costs of nosocomial infections: methods for estimating economic burden on the hospital. Am J Med 91: 32-38.
  • 26. O'Brien K, Donato R (1993) Hospital acquired rota virus infection: the economics of prevention. Aust Health Rev 16: 245-267.
  • 27. Harrington M, Butler K, Cafferkey M (2003) Rotavirus infection in hospitalised children: incidence and impact on healthcare resources. Ir J Med Sci 172: 33-36.
  • 28. Mrukowicz JZ, Krobicka B, Duplaga M, Kowalska-Duplaga K, Domanski J, Szajewska H, Kantecki M, Iwanczak F, Pytrus T (1999) Epidemiology and impact of rotavirus diarrhoea in Poland. Acta Paediatr Suppl 88: 53-60.
  • 29. Sermet-Gaudelus I, de La Rocque F, Salomon JL, Lachassine E, Leruez-Ville M, Baujat G, Trioche P, Valdes L, Parez N, Aujard Y (2004) Rotavirus nosocomial infection in pediatric units. A multicentric observation study. Pathol Biol (Paris) 52: 4-10.
  • 30. Piednoir E, Bessaci K, Bureau-Chalot F, Sabouraud P, Brodard V, Andreoletti L, Bajolet O (2003) Economic impact of healthcare-associated rotavirus infection in a paediatric hospital. J Hosp Infect 55: 190-195.
  • 31. Fruhwirth M, Berger K, Ehlken B, Moll-Schuler I, Brosl S, Mutz I (2001) Economic impact of community- and nosocomially acquired rotavirus gastroenteritis in Austria. Pediatr Infect Dis J 20: 184-188.
There are 31 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Original Research

Adnan Barutçu 0000-0001-8930-1122

Saliha Barutçu 0000-0002-6951-5999

Publication Date December 30, 2020
Acceptance Date July 27, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 10 Issue: 4


AMA Barutçu A, Barutçu S. Comparison of Community-Acquired Rotavirus Infection with Nosocomial Rotavirus Infection; Evaluation of Epidemiology, Severity and Economic Burdens. J Contemp Med. December 2020;10(4):551-555.