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Sigara Kullanımının Erkek Havalı Tabanca Atıcıların Kalp Hızı Değişkenliğine Etkisinin İncelenmesi

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 1, 19 - 28


Bu araştırmanın amacı, sigara kullanımının erkek havalı tabanca atıcılarının Kalp Hızı Değişkenliği (KHD) parametreleri üzerindeki etkisini incelemektir. Çalışma, Türkiye Avcılık ve Atıcılık Federasyonu bünyesinde lisanslı, son 2 yıl içerisinde müsabakalara aktif olarak katılmış 16 erkek (8 sigara içen, 8 sigara içmeyen) havalı tabanca sporcusu ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. Elde edilen bulgular neticesinde; sigara kullanan ve kullanmayan erkek havalı tabanca atıcıların; atış puanı, dinlenik durumdaki SDNN değerleri ve müsabaka anındaki ardışık normal R-R aralıklarının standart sapması (standard deviation of all normal to normal R-R intervals; SDNN) değerleri arasında anlamlı fark görülürken (p<0,05), dinlenik durumdaki ve müsabaka anındaki kalp atımları arasındaki farkların kareleri toplamının ortalamasının karekökü değerleri arasında ise anlamlı fark görülmemiştir (p>0,05). Sonuç olarak sigara kullanımının, otonom sinir sistemi ve KHD değerleri üzerinde olumsuz etkilerinin olduğu yapılan çalışmalarda ortaya konmuştur. Çalışmamızda da benzer yaş ve fiziksel özelliklere sahip katılımcılar ile literatürü destekler nitelikte sonuçlar elde edilmiştir. Sigara kullanan atıcıların dinlenik durumdaki ve müsabaka anındaki SDNN değerleri ile müsabaka puanları, sigara kullanmayan atıcılara göre anlamlı olarak fark göstermiştir. Çalışmamıza katılan sporcuların KHD verilerine göre, sigara kullanımının sporcular üzerinde fizyolojik olumsuz etkilerinin olduğunu, atış puanlarına göre ise otonom sinir sistemi üzerinde olumsuz etkilerinin olduğu değerlendirilmektedir. Son derece kompleks bir süreç boyunca, yüksek odaklanma ve hassasiyet gerektiren atış branşında, sigara kullanımının sonlandırılmasının sporcunun atış performansına olumlu yönde etki edeceği düşünülmektedir.


  • Akgül, F., Batyeraliev, T., & Pershukov, I. (2007). Kalp Hastalarında Kalp Hızı Değişkenliği. Türk Kardiyoloji Dergisi, 10(1), 25-33.
  • Algra, A., Tijssen, J. G., Roelandt, J. R., Pool, J., & Lubsen, J. (1993). Heart rate variability from 24-hour electrocardiography and the 2-year risk for sudden death. Circulation, 88(1), 180-185.
  • Aune, D., Schlesinger, S., Norat, T., & Riboli, E. (2018). Tobacco smoking and the risk of sudden cardiac death: a systematic review and meta-analysis of prospective studies. European Journal of Epidemiology, 33, 509 - 521.
  • Barutcu, I., Esen, A. M., Kaya, D., Turkmen, M., Karakaya, O., Melek, M., Basaran, Y. (2005). Cigarette smoking and heart rate variability: dynamic influence of parasympathetic and sympathetic maneuvers. Annals of noninvasive electrocardiology, 10(3), 324-329.
  • Chagué, F., Guenancia, C., Gudjoncik, A., Moreau, D., Cottin, Y., & Zeller, M. (2015). Smokeless tobacco, sport and the heart. Archives of cardiovascular diseases, 108(1), 75-83.
  • Cooper, K. H., Gey, G. O., & Bottenberg, R. A. (1968). Effects of cigarette smoking on endurance performance. Jama, 203(3), 189-192.
  • Dinas, P. C., Koutedakis, Y., & Flouris, A. D. (2013). Effects of active and passive tobacco cigarette smoking on heart rate variability. International journal of cardiology, 163(2), 109-115.
  • Eryonucu, B., Bilge, M., Güler, N., Uzun, K., & Gencer, M. (2000). Effects of cigarette smoking on the circadian rhythm of heart rate variability. Acta cardiologica, 55(5), 301-305.
  • Haddah H. A., Laursen P. B., Ahmaidi S., Buchheit M. (2009). Nocturnal Heart Rate Variability Following Supramaximal Intermittent Exercise. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 4(4), 435-447.
  • ISSF Web Sitesi. ISSF Pistol Rules. Edition 2022. Erişim adresi: regulations/ristol_rules.ashx Kaijser, L., & Berglund, B. (1985). Effect of nicotine on coronary blood‐flow in man. Clinical Physiology, 5(6), 541-552.
  • Karakaya, O., Barutcu, I., Kaya, D., Esen, A. M., Sağlam, M., Melek, M., ... & Kaymaz, C. (2007). Acute effect of cigarette smoking on heart rate variability. Angiology, 58(5), 620-624.
  • Karpovich, P., & Hale, C. (1951). Tobacco smoking and physical performance. Journal of applied physiology, 3 (10), 616-21.
  • Kobayashi, F., Watanabe, T., Akamatsu, Y., Furui, H., Tomita, T., Ohashi, R., & Hayano, J. (2005). Acute effects of cigarette smoking on the heart rate variability of taxi drivers during work. Scandinavian journal of work, environment & health, 31(5), 360–366.
  • Ksir, C., Shank, M., Kraemer, W., & Noble, B. (1986). Effects of chewing tobacco on heart rate and blood pressure during exercise. The Journal of sports medicine and physical fitness, 26(4), 384-389.
  • Kudaiberdieva, G., Görenek, B., & Timuralp, B. (2007). Heart rate variability as a predictor of sudden cardiac death. Anatolian Journal of Cardiology/Anadolu Kardiyoloji Dergisi, 7(Suppl 1), 68-70.
  • Liao, D., Cai, J., Barnes, R. W., Tyroler, H. A., Rautaharju, P., Holme, I., & Heiss, G. (1996). Association of cardiac automatic function and the development of hypertension: The ARIC study. American journal of hypertension, 9(12), 1147-1156.
  • Middlekauff, H., Park, J., & Moheimani, R. (2014). Adverse effects of cigarette and noncigarette smoke exposure on the autonomic nervous system: mechanisms and implications for cardiovascular risk. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 64(16), 1740-50.
  • Min, J. Y., Min, K. B., Cho, S. I., & Paek, D. (2009). Combined effect of cigarette smoking and sulfur dioxide on heart rate variability. International journal of cardiology, 133(1), 119-121.
  • Minami, J., Ishimitsu, T., & Matsuoka, H. (1999). Effects of smoking cessation on blood pressure and heart rate variability in habitual smokers. Hypertension, 33(1) Pt 2, 586-90.
  • Nakajima, H. (1996). Message from the Director General of World Health Organization for world no tobacco day. WHO Tobacco Alert. Internet Edition-Advisory Kit, 4, 50-1.
  • Olsson, E., & Laaksonen, M. S. (2021). Key technical components for air pistol shooting performance. International journal of performance analysis in sport, 21(3), 348-360.
  • Penny, W. J., & Mir, M. A. (1986). Cardiorespiratory response to exercise before and after acute beta-adrenoreceptor blockade in nonsmokers and chronic smokers. International journal of cardiology, 11(3), 293-304.
  • Pyšný, L., Petru, D., Pyšný, J., & Cihlár, D. (2015). The acute effect of nicotine intake on anaerobic exercise performance. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 15(1), 103-107.
  • Robertson, D., Tseng, C. J., & Appalsamy, M. (1988). Smoking and mechanisms of cardiovascular control. American heart journal, 115(1), 258-263.
  • Schaffarczyk, M., Rogers, B., Reer, R., & Gronwald, T. (2022). Validity of the Polar H10 Sensor for Heart Rate Variability Analysis during Resting State and Incremental Exercise in Recreational Men and Women. Sensors (Basel, Switzerland), 22(17), 6536.
  • Stein, P., Rottman, J., & Kleiger, R. (1996). Effect of 21 mg transdermal nicotine patches and smoking cessation on heart rate variability. The American journal of cardiology, 77(9), 701-5.
  • Symons, J. D., & Stebbins, C. L. (1996). Hemodynamic and regional blood flow responses to nicotine at rest and during exercise. Medicine and science in sports and exercise, 28(4), 457-467.
  • Tarvainen, M. P., & Niskanen, J. P. (2012). Kubios HRV. Finland: Biosignal Analysis and Medical Imaging Group (BSAMIG), Department of Applied Physics, University of Eastern Finland, 39.
  • Tetelepta, Y. W., Muslim, E., & Moch, B. N. (2019). Physical ergonomics analysis of the effect of smoking on sport performance. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 505(1), 12-37.
  • Tsuji, H., Larson, M. G., Venditti, F. J., Manders, E. S., Evans, J. C., Feldman, C. L., & Levy, D. (1996). Impact of reduced heart rate variability on risk for cardiac events: the Framingham Heart Study. Circulation, 94(11), 2850-2855.
  • Van Duser, B. L., & Raven, P. B. (1992). The effects of oral smokeless tobacco on the cardiorespiratory response to exercise. Medicine and science in sports and exercise, 24(3), 389-395.
  • Xiaogang, L., Di, G., & Lianlei, Z. (2021). Impact of the cigarette smoking on athlete's health: a systematic review. Tobacco Regulatory Science, 7(6), 6222-6227.
  • Yake, C. (2021). Influence of tobacco on physical fitness recovery of college students after sports. Tobacco Regulatory Science, 7(5), 3445-3451.
  • Yotsukura, M., Koide, Y., Fujii, K., Tomono, Y., Katayama, A., Ando, H., ... & Ishikawa, K. (1998). Heart rate variability during the first month of smoking cessation. American heart journal, 135(6), 1004-1009.

Investigation of the Effect of Smoking on Heart Rate Variability in Male Air Pistol Shooters

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 1, 19 - 28


The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of smoking on heart rate variability (HRV) parameters of male air pistol shooters. The study was conducted with 16 male air pistol athletes (8 smokers and 8 non-smokers) who were licensed under the Turkish Hunting and Shooting Federation and actively participated in competitions in the last 2 years. As a result of the findings obtained; while there was a significant difference between the shooting score, standard deviation of all normal to normal R-R intervals (SDNN) values at rest and SDNN values at the moment of competition (p<.05), there was no significant difference between the root of mean of squares of successive NN interval differences values at rest and at the moment of competition (p>.05). In conclusion, studies have shown that smoking has negative effects on the autonomic nervous system and HRV values. In our study, results supporting the literature were obtained with participants with similar age and physical characteristics. The resting and competition SDNN values and competition scores of smokers showed a significant difference compared to non-smokers. According to the HRV data of the athletes who participated in our study, it is evaluated that smoking has physiologic negative effects on athletes, and according to the shooting scores, it has negative effects on the autonomic nervous system. In the shooting branch, which requires high focus and precision during a highly complex process, smoking has a negative effect on the autonomic nervous system.


  • Akgül, F., Batyeraliev, T., & Pershukov, I. (2007). Kalp Hastalarında Kalp Hızı Değişkenliği. Türk Kardiyoloji Dergisi, 10(1), 25-33.
  • Algra, A., Tijssen, J. G., Roelandt, J. R., Pool, J., & Lubsen, J. (1993). Heart rate variability from 24-hour electrocardiography and the 2-year risk for sudden death. Circulation, 88(1), 180-185.
  • Aune, D., Schlesinger, S., Norat, T., & Riboli, E. (2018). Tobacco smoking and the risk of sudden cardiac death: a systematic review and meta-analysis of prospective studies. European Journal of Epidemiology, 33, 509 - 521.
  • Barutcu, I., Esen, A. M., Kaya, D., Turkmen, M., Karakaya, O., Melek, M., Basaran, Y. (2005). Cigarette smoking and heart rate variability: dynamic influence of parasympathetic and sympathetic maneuvers. Annals of noninvasive electrocardiology, 10(3), 324-329.
  • Chagué, F., Guenancia, C., Gudjoncik, A., Moreau, D., Cottin, Y., & Zeller, M. (2015). Smokeless tobacco, sport and the heart. Archives of cardiovascular diseases, 108(1), 75-83.
  • Cooper, K. H., Gey, G. O., & Bottenberg, R. A. (1968). Effects of cigarette smoking on endurance performance. Jama, 203(3), 189-192.
  • Dinas, P. C., Koutedakis, Y., & Flouris, A. D. (2013). Effects of active and passive tobacco cigarette smoking on heart rate variability. International journal of cardiology, 163(2), 109-115.
  • Eryonucu, B., Bilge, M., Güler, N., Uzun, K., & Gencer, M. (2000). Effects of cigarette smoking on the circadian rhythm of heart rate variability. Acta cardiologica, 55(5), 301-305.
  • Haddah H. A., Laursen P. B., Ahmaidi S., Buchheit M. (2009). Nocturnal Heart Rate Variability Following Supramaximal Intermittent Exercise. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 4(4), 435-447.
  • ISSF Web Sitesi. ISSF Pistol Rules. Edition 2022. Erişim adresi: regulations/ristol_rules.ashx Kaijser, L., & Berglund, B. (1985). Effect of nicotine on coronary blood‐flow in man. Clinical Physiology, 5(6), 541-552.
  • Karakaya, O., Barutcu, I., Kaya, D., Esen, A. M., Sağlam, M., Melek, M., ... & Kaymaz, C. (2007). Acute effect of cigarette smoking on heart rate variability. Angiology, 58(5), 620-624.
  • Karpovich, P., & Hale, C. (1951). Tobacco smoking and physical performance. Journal of applied physiology, 3 (10), 616-21.
  • Kobayashi, F., Watanabe, T., Akamatsu, Y., Furui, H., Tomita, T., Ohashi, R., & Hayano, J. (2005). Acute effects of cigarette smoking on the heart rate variability of taxi drivers during work. Scandinavian journal of work, environment & health, 31(5), 360–366.
  • Ksir, C., Shank, M., Kraemer, W., & Noble, B. (1986). Effects of chewing tobacco on heart rate and blood pressure during exercise. The Journal of sports medicine and physical fitness, 26(4), 384-389.
  • Kudaiberdieva, G., Görenek, B., & Timuralp, B. (2007). Heart rate variability as a predictor of sudden cardiac death. Anatolian Journal of Cardiology/Anadolu Kardiyoloji Dergisi, 7(Suppl 1), 68-70.
  • Liao, D., Cai, J., Barnes, R. W., Tyroler, H. A., Rautaharju, P., Holme, I., & Heiss, G. (1996). Association of cardiac automatic function and the development of hypertension: The ARIC study. American journal of hypertension, 9(12), 1147-1156.
  • Middlekauff, H., Park, J., & Moheimani, R. (2014). Adverse effects of cigarette and noncigarette smoke exposure on the autonomic nervous system: mechanisms and implications for cardiovascular risk. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 64(16), 1740-50.
  • Min, J. Y., Min, K. B., Cho, S. I., & Paek, D. (2009). Combined effect of cigarette smoking and sulfur dioxide on heart rate variability. International journal of cardiology, 133(1), 119-121.
  • Minami, J., Ishimitsu, T., & Matsuoka, H. (1999). Effects of smoking cessation on blood pressure and heart rate variability in habitual smokers. Hypertension, 33(1) Pt 2, 586-90.
  • Nakajima, H. (1996). Message from the Director General of World Health Organization for world no tobacco day. WHO Tobacco Alert. Internet Edition-Advisory Kit, 4, 50-1.
  • Olsson, E., & Laaksonen, M. S. (2021). Key technical components for air pistol shooting performance. International journal of performance analysis in sport, 21(3), 348-360.
  • Penny, W. J., & Mir, M. A. (1986). Cardiorespiratory response to exercise before and after acute beta-adrenoreceptor blockade in nonsmokers and chronic smokers. International journal of cardiology, 11(3), 293-304.
  • Pyšný, L., Petru, D., Pyšný, J., & Cihlár, D. (2015). The acute effect of nicotine intake on anaerobic exercise performance. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 15(1), 103-107.
  • Robertson, D., Tseng, C. J., & Appalsamy, M. (1988). Smoking and mechanisms of cardiovascular control. American heart journal, 115(1), 258-263.
  • Schaffarczyk, M., Rogers, B., Reer, R., & Gronwald, T. (2022). Validity of the Polar H10 Sensor for Heart Rate Variability Analysis during Resting State and Incremental Exercise in Recreational Men and Women. Sensors (Basel, Switzerland), 22(17), 6536.
  • Stein, P., Rottman, J., & Kleiger, R. (1996). Effect of 21 mg transdermal nicotine patches and smoking cessation on heart rate variability. The American journal of cardiology, 77(9), 701-5.
  • Symons, J. D., & Stebbins, C. L. (1996). Hemodynamic and regional blood flow responses to nicotine at rest and during exercise. Medicine and science in sports and exercise, 28(4), 457-467.
  • Tarvainen, M. P., & Niskanen, J. P. (2012). Kubios HRV. Finland: Biosignal Analysis and Medical Imaging Group (BSAMIG), Department of Applied Physics, University of Eastern Finland, 39.
  • Tetelepta, Y. W., Muslim, E., & Moch, B. N. (2019). Physical ergonomics analysis of the effect of smoking on sport performance. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 505(1), 12-37.
  • Tsuji, H., Larson, M. G., Venditti, F. J., Manders, E. S., Evans, J. C., Feldman, C. L., & Levy, D. (1996). Impact of reduced heart rate variability on risk for cardiac events: the Framingham Heart Study. Circulation, 94(11), 2850-2855.
  • Van Duser, B. L., & Raven, P. B. (1992). The effects of oral smokeless tobacco on the cardiorespiratory response to exercise. Medicine and science in sports and exercise, 24(3), 389-395.
  • Xiaogang, L., Di, G., & Lianlei, Z. (2021). Impact of the cigarette smoking on athlete's health: a systematic review. Tobacco Regulatory Science, 7(6), 6222-6227.
  • Yake, C. (2021). Influence of tobacco on physical fitness recovery of college students after sports. Tobacco Regulatory Science, 7(5), 3445-3451.
  • Yotsukura, M., Koide, Y., Fujii, K., Tomono, Y., Katayama, A., Ando, H., ... & Ishikawa, K. (1998). Heart rate variability during the first month of smoking cessation. American heart journal, 135(6), 1004-1009.
Toplam 34 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Antrenman, Egzersiz Fizyolojisi, Egzersiz ve Spor Psikolojisi
Bölüm Özgün Makaleler

Fatih Yabaş 0000-0003-1150-3378

Ali Naci Arıkan 0000-0001-7956-6696

Zekeriya Göktaş 0000-0001-9587-4218

Engin Demiralay 0009-0005-9336-1589

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 31 Mart 2024
Yayımlanma Tarihi
Gönderilme Tarihi 4 Ocak 2024
Kabul Tarihi 25 Mart 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 5 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Yabaş, F., Arıkan, A. N., Göktaş, Z., Demiralay, E. (2024). Sigara Kullanımının Erkek Havalı Tabanca Atıcıların Kalp Hızı Değişkenliğine Etkisinin İncelenmesi. Uluslararası Beden Eğitimi Spor Ve Teknolojileri Dergisi, 5(1), 19-28.

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