Mehmet Şahin Akıncı Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zonguldak Bülent Ecevit Üniversitesi
Publication 6 Review 13 CrossRef Cited 8 TR Dizin Cited 7
6 Publication
13 Review
8 CrossRef Cited
7 TR Dizin Cited

Research Fields

Education Music Composition in Western Classical Music Interpretation in Western Classical Music Music Education Interpretation in Turkish Folk Music Opera Singing and Directing


He was born in Isparta in 1983. He started undergraduate education in 2001 at music education department of Izmir Dokuz Eylül University Education Faculty. His speciality was vocal training at undergarduate education. He presented individual vocal and piano concerts during undergraduate education. Besides, he got chorister education at Turkish Radio Television Youth Choir of Izmir, Chamber Choir of Izmir Turkish State Opera and Ballet, Chamber Choir of Izmir Art and presented polyphonic choir concerts. He got private vocal education lesssons during the undergraduate education from soloist singers and chorister singers of Izmir Turkish State Opera and Ballet. He graduated with a degree (first place) from undergraduate education. After graduated from undergraduate education he started to work as music teacher at Ministry of National Education in 2006. He enrolled in master education at Music Education Department of Mehmet Akif Ersoy University in Burdur City and graduated from master education in 2011. In the mean time he gave vocal training and choir lessons at the music department of Mehmet Akif Ersoy University. He presented individual piano and vocal concerts during the master education. He worked as choir chief and choir teacher at Youth Central Children Choir of Isparta and Children Choir of Burdur Municipality. He left from Ministry of National Education in 2012. After graduated from master education he started to work as a lecturer at Bolu Abant Izzet Baysal University in 2012. He gave vocal training and choir education lessons in that university. He started to doctora-phd education in 2013 and finished it 7th September 2017. He took Dr/Phd title. He sustained to present individual piano and vocal performances concerts as a lecturer Dr/phd. He took his student coaching certificate on july, 2018. His Phd dissertation’s name is “Self Suffıciency Perception Of Music Teachers Teaching Music Students With Special Needs”. During his Phd education, he did research assignments and studies on the music education of students with special needs. He is currently working as Asst. Prof. at Zonguldak Bülent Ecevit University State Conservatory in Turkey. He has given music lessons at preschools, primmary schools, high schools and university grades since 2006. His main interest fields are vocal and choir training, music education for students with special needs. He continues to give music education lessons to students with special needs.


Zonguldak Bülent Ecevit Üniversitesi

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